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USS Stargazer's Ships Log


The following is a list of the major changes to the Stargazer II Domain on the web.
The most recent changes shown first:

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If you would like to leave some feedback about the web site or just to say hello, Please feel free to use the feedback button.

get this gear!

Fixed some other link problems, some image issues, a bunch of cosmetic changes. I really hate hard drive crashes. I am reworking a old copy to do this updates so if you see or find something that I missed let me know by leaving me a feedback note.
 Added some new feedback buttons from Lycos Gear on a few pages to see how they work. May not return you back to the web page, I am looking into that issue.... Also We had a hard drive crash an have lost most of the web site backup files and sad to say a lot of work that I had done and not uploaded yet! This is a page from a 3 year old back copy on a CD disk that I had made and loaded into FrontPage and reformat it to work on the site.
To keep alive the memory of my old BBS (Bulletin Board) I setup the Domain called There you will find out some information on my old BBS, what was used, and how it worked. Due to the hard drive crash I lost all the work I had done on this new web site, so I will have to start all over from scratch! In the next few weeks I will be working on getting the information together to put the web site in place.


Well Santa was good to me this year. He came by and dropped off Microsoft Expression Web. It is a totally neat program and I have no idea how to use it as of yet but I  will be adding some new stuff to the site as I get some time and get use to the New version.

Also We had a hard drive crash an have lost most of the web site backup files and sad to say a lot of work that I had done and not uploaded yet! This is a page from a 3 year old back copy on a CD disk that I had made and loaded into FrontPage and reformatted to work on the site. I will have to rework a lot of the old stuff to get the site going forward again. Sorry for the delay in the updates...

Please take a moment and remember those that were lost!

Please go here to see more on 9/11/2001 a sad day in America

I added a page for 9/11 to day just our way to remember a sad day in our country.
I also added some new items to the data base to day, Added more Wallpapers, a Tagline page, Midi music page, Ship Registry page, A dedication page to Scotty the worlds best engineer.
Fixed some link problems, some image issues, a bunch of cosmetic changes. I really hate hard drive crashes. I am reworking a old copy to do this updates so if you see or find something that I missed let me know by leaving me a feedback note at the top of this page.

Please check out the NEW Music/Midi Database I think you will like what you will find there!
Today we have added a page counter from Bravenet Resource Center for Webmaster's. They have all the tools you may need for your web site.  Give them a look at , You may find something that will help you out and the best part, it is free to use and to join. Added some new feedback buttons from Lycos Gear on a few pages to see how they work. May not return you back to the web page, I am looking into that issue....
Also We had a hard drive crash an have lost most of the web site backup files and sad to say a lot of work that I had done and not uploaded yet! This is a page from a 3 year old back copy on a CD disk that I had made and loaded into FrontPage and reformatted to work on the site. I will have to rework a lot of the old stuff to get the site going forward again. Sorry for the delay in the updates...
Today we have been in contact with our  OLM sales rep and got the site moved to the new server this week. The new server will have more bandwidth, storage space and some other administrative stuff that will make life some what easier. I have the site uploaded to the new server but I do not have all the CGI stuff working yet. I am working on the scripts, so please for give the errors if you get one.

Captain Out!



Today we have been in contact with our OLM sales rep to made a server upgrade that the Stargazer II is hosted on. The new server will have more bandwidth, storage space, and some other administrative stuff that will make life some what easier.



Today we made some changes to the site directories to make it a little easier to keep track of things on this end. Other news, OLM made a server upgrade to our server that the Stargazer II is hosted on and there were some problems that had to be fixed on both ends of the site, so if the site has been acting a little off, were sorry for the inconvenience.

SPAM NEWS I have removed all reference on the web site to email address that a spammers webbot can get from the site. To do this I have used some Java Script to link to the real address and bring up your default email program to send email to the webmaster and so on.


Today we add a new CGI search to the site as well as a counter. I have made some changes to some pages and removed some. Also added a Wallpaper area to the Database.
I have also been updating the webring page. Will be adding some more rings in a few days to help draw more traffic to the site.


We have changed Domain Hosts to OLM.Net. This change will speed up the site and has some added features that the other service did not have. Sorry about the site being down so long but it takes some time to get everything setup and working.
Did you know after you change you domain host and make the changes with you IP register like Network Solutions, it takes almost a week before your domain changes take effect on all the systems on the internet have all the same information on your domain, so when you type the site will be displayed . This really adds time to getting things back.

We have also taken ARJ Systems & Data Recovery off the net... The site was costing to much in time and funds to keep going. There was not enough sales to make it feasible.
If you want any help with you computer needs email me at: bescott @

Our new OPS Interface part of the site is still working great. A lot of trek fans are using it a lot... I have received several emails about it...The feedback has been very positive... Thank You for all of the positive feedback!
I have decided to make the site with just one page and one way to edit it. I will be using the theme component in FrontPage 2002 from now on. This action will make the site easier to make changes to and I hope a better surfing experience too.

I will be adding some new stuff to the site as I get some time to get use to the New version of FrontPage 2002. There is a lot deferent's between the 98 version and 2002.

Please feel free to leave some feedback about our site and let us know how were doing.....The Captain

I see that we all made it to the new millennium and I wish you all a happy new year!
I have added some new items, the biggest is the Lcars Programs. I found them on Fedplace web site and the BENNIsoft-software-Homepage where they are designed. I got the images from both sites to make the page.
I also received a new award for the site from Fedplace website and would like to thank them for the award and comments.
I hope that all of you got through the Y2K Bug with out to many problems. We had no problems at home with any of the systems but we did have a problem with one script for the site and had it fixed in a jiffy. My ISP and HOST reported no problem at all with any of there systems, so, the internet went on into the new year! Take care...

Well here it is.. The NEW OPS Web Page. There is a lot of new stuff that is not on the Frames Page so look around and see the new site.

Ok, here we go...>
We have had a long summer and I have not had time to updated the site much. I hope to do more as winter gets here.

We have had some problems with the site lately as some of you may have noticed. Our Host had to fix some problems we had when updating the site. It was some kind of permission problem and it took a few days to fix. It should be ok now, so, if you see anything that is now working correctly let me know  and I will get it fixed ASP...<

I all so add a few new pages to the site. It was with a sad heart to have to add a page for DeForest Kelly and his passing on to the stars, but I have one up that I found on the net. I wish I could remember where I got it, I would like to give them credit for it, so, if it is yours, please let me know so I can give credit where it is due..>

We have also moved ARJ Systems & Data Recovery (our company) to Stargazer II Domain. We were having some problems updating it on Tripod. Don't get me wrong, Tripod is a great site and they offer some cool stuff for a free site and all. But it was a real hassle at times to update so I moved everything here. Hay! I am paying for the domain and space, why not use it...< (Grin) >
Oh before I forget, we optimized all the GIFs and JPGs, the site should load a little more faster,,,
That's it for now... Captain Out


Well as you can tell, I have been working on the site...
I have decided to do away with the non-frames on the site
as most browsers today support frames. It just takes to
much time to update the site with two HTMLs for everything
and I mean everything!
I thing I have everything working, if not, let me know at the
Webmaster for the site. One of the new things that I added is
a FEEDBACK page, and it is also E-mailed
to me when you submit it now!
Well that is about it for now... The Captain


Well I have not added anything here for a long time even though
I have added a lot of changes to the Site. The biggest thing is that
on 9-15-98 I applied for a Domain name for the USS Stargazer
( On 10-1-98 after a long search I finely found a Host
Site to be the home for the New Stargazer II Domain.
Web Presence had the best deal and as I am a member of
Microsoft Site builder the deal got even better!
I have made a lot of changes to the Domain so many that I cant
list them, so if you find something that is not correct please go
to the Communication area and let me know.
Well that is about it for now, hope that you all had a great holiday
and a great new year.

Well, we have been busy, added Frames, new icons, and learned
about all kinds of things about Frames. Also have added some Java
scripts to the pages. Were still learning the Java script stuff, we are on
the way to Scripts 101, so enjoy what I have working so far.
Rechecked all the pages and spell checked everything. Also learned
some other things to do to the pages to get things to work correctly.
Still have lots to learn on making pages.
Added some Wav & Midi files to the pages today to give the pages
that Star Trek like sound. I hope you like them, I know that you have
heard them before. If they cause any problems please let
me know. Live Long and Prosper!
Added some BMP's, Gif's to the Download page that I made for the
BBS when I had it On-line... Have not figured out how to make the
files downloadable as of yet but we'll get it figured out in time.

Made more changes to the pages and started to add more info and links to the pages.
Also made change and link to relevant pages.
Learned how to edit a page in text form to fix some
problems that FrontPage 97 or I did.

Created the related pages all at once.
Created Scotty's WebSpace page. Which is now USS Stargazer II NCC-2893-A
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This Site was modified on Stardate: 2008-12-30

Bridge Up One Deck Feedback

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to Webmaster.
Copyright 1998 U.S.S. Stargazer BBS / ARJ Systems & Data Recovery All rights reserved.

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Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,
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References to any and all Star Trek related material is strictly for the intent of discussion, and protected by law, under the first amendment of the United States constitution. The use of anything related to Star Trek on this, or any other pages affiliated with this site(s) are not meant to be an infringement on either Paramount or Viacom's rights to Star Trek. These are Star Trek Fan Sites for the sole purpose of promoting the beliefs and ideals of Star Trek.

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